My mother is in care and I have found the facility, staff, meals and care taken by the staff to be excellent. The staff are always pleasant and remember everyones name and take time to make the residents feel at home.
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7 years ago
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my mother is in aged care at the age of 95 and with the start of dementia. i am very pleased to say that the facility is lovely and clean, meals good and does not have the smell that some of the other facilities had that I have visited. The staff are very obliging and courteous to the residents which is a big thing, there are plenty of activities and outings. My main concern is that my mother is happy, well looked after and the meals are nourishing and varied and this is the case.
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9 years ago
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My mother has been in a residential care facility for the past few years. We are very happy as shr is happy there and now regards it as her home. The staff are very caring and considerate and hsow great respect for the residents. The stimulation programs are very good with outings and people coming in for concerts etc. The food quality has changed with the purchase of the facility by another provider but is still nutricious and varied.