My parents were well looked after at Nazareth house.My mother had Parkinson's and she was always treated with respect and kindness, upholding her dignity. The professional care of the staff supported her to recover from some bouts of illness until palliative care was required.She died peacefully. My mother and father gained a sense of belong and the staff showed such empathy making their time there comfortable. The family were also made to feel v...
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5 years ago
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Nazareth care, St Michaels has been a Godsend for both my parents. They were lovingly cared for by staff who were genuinely caring and loving and went through great lengths to provide them the care they required. My mother loved the garden and the sunshine. Staff would make time to take her out for her to enjoy the garden. The Sisters of Nazareth also made the place special with their presence, overseeing things and working hand in hand with man...
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5 years ago
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The Committee / board of Nazareth Care need to send a 'mystery shopper' in to see for themselves what is going on.
Or more to the point - what is not being done for the health of elderly
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5 years ago
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This place has been a nightmare to my mother. They have been sedating my mother incessantly from her day of admission. They are hostile to any attempt by family to cease sedation; with doctors on their books who will chart every sedating medicine under the sun. They use various guises to justify their sedation such as dodgy pain scales and will mock your attempt to raise the issue. In addition to antipsychotics they put my elderly mother on 4g P...
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disappointed as pell
6 years ago
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Important information is not passed on from shift to shift. Sometimes the very next shift receives a new instruction, but then every shift after that misses out.
There is no system to ensure that PCAs know what a resident 'needs' (not just 'wants', but 'needs'). Medication is organised but even then, only some of the staff stay with the resident until they swallow every pill.
No one checks that staff are completing their tasks and so there ar...
Located in a leafy suburb, Nazareth House Camberwell is an accredited 100 bed residential aged care facility. As with all Nazareth Houses, the community of Sisters provides spiritual, pastoral and emotional support to residents and their families. Daily Mass, rosary and other services are celebrated in the Chapel.Nazareth House Camberwell offers a range of individualised services, and residents have ready access to highly trained staff who can provide tailored support and care to meet individual needs